Drugs such as aspirin, and medications that dissolve the clot, are used to limit the extent of damage to the heart muscle.
Ways to identify
- Persistent, vice-like central chest pain, often spreading to the jaw and down one or both arms.
- Breathlessness, and discomfort occurring high in the abdomen.
- Collapse.
- Sudden faintness and dizziness.
- A rapid, weak or irregular pulse.
- Profuse sweating.
- Extreme gasping for air
1. Make the casualty as comfortable as possible to ease the strain on his heart. A half-sitting position, with the casualty's head and shoulders well supported and his knees bent, is often best.

3. If the casualty is fully conscious, give him a full-dose (300mg) aspirin tablet and advise him to chew it slowly.
4. If the casualty has medicine for angina, such as tablets or a pump-action or aerosol spray, help him to take it. Encourage the casualty to rest.
5. Constantly monitor and record vital signs - level of response, pulse, and breathing - until help arrives.
6. If the casualty becomes unconscious, commence DR.ABC.